
Friday, January 22, 2016

I Have a Treasured Hanky - Part 3 - Look What Susie Did

This is picture of Susie's kitchen and where she hung her other Hanky Dresses I made for her. 
I think that is just the sweetest idea she came up with!  And notice that unique piece of trim above her doorway.

Pictured here is Susie with her granddaughter Chandler and daughter in law Jami. They are just two of her crafting and baking "partners in crime." She has two other granddaughters, Macie and Hanna, who join her in her these adventures, as well. Susie is a retired professional baker and has traveled to Paris to for lessons. While there she enjoys visiting Paris street markets too. (I secretly want to stow away with you next time.)

Susie made these bags from fabric scraps and vintage hankies. The fringe on the bags and the rug were made from damaged hankies.

The rugs she makes are an old style that originally was created with 2-inch strips of fabric woven with an old toothbrush cut off at the brush end and filed to a point at the other end. The fabric strips are threaded through the hole and worked in a fashion similar to how you do a buttonhole stitch. There are several variations on this theme.

So creative! 

I just love that rug.  

Thanks so much for sharing with us.

1 comment:

  1. SO much crafty skills here. I really like looking at and reading this post.
    The hankies in the hoop are darling.
    I pinned that photograph of the hutch.


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