Sunday, August 9, 2015

Joyful Yellow

pale yellow sunflowers

I have this huge sunflower in my back yard. It is such a lovely pale color of yellow. The vibrant purple morning glory blooms are nestled among the cucumber vines delicate little yellow flowers. I have a bumper crop of cucumbers this year. I guess I should be thinking about pickles. 
yellow sunflowers +yellow bird

Here are some of my other sunflowers. Do you see my visitor??? Look closely. My little goldfinch is extremely shy and very fast. He does not like me or my camera. I consider myself lucky to have gotten this shot. The birds love eating sunflower seeds and my husband and I enjoy eating lunch on the patio while watching them eat their lunch.


  1. Gorgeous pictures and yes so blessed to have captured your little visitor for prosperity.

  2. He was back this morning and I got a good picture of his back and then my camera card ran out of memory......


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